A Message from
the State Child Advocate
Amanda F. Whittle, JD, CWLS
I am grateful to share with you the July 2023 edition of the Department of Children's Advocacy's newsletter, containing highlights from last month.
In addition to continued expansion of our agency with many new employees, we've been busy in the community, attending the graduation ceremony at DJJ, participating in the State Museum's Disability Pride Day, and raising awareness for the GAL program at back-to-school events in the Pee Dee.
We're also very excited to share about our new South Carolina Heart Gallery exhibit that will open in August. More details below. We hope you mark your calendar and make plans to join us for the grand opening!
We thank you for reading this newsletter and for all you do to improve outcomes for children in South Carolina.
Have an item you'd like to share? Please send us your questions, concerns, and recommendations for future newsletters. We'd love to hear from you.